Yale Sustainable Food Program


Sarah Mele, B.A.


Major and Concentration: 
American Studies

Current position(s):
Senior Adviser
Seed-to-Salad Public Schools Coordinator

Past positions:
Culinary Events Manager
Farm Manager
Harvest “Moobah”
Summer Intern, 2020


A little bit more about Sarah:
Over the past four years, Sarah has been involved in the YSFP in many capacities, as a farm manager, a culinary events manager, a leader of the Seed to Salad program, and a director of the Harvest pre-orientation program. As a Harvest leader, Sarah has had the chance to help out at a number of farms around Connecticut while bonding with their fellow students. Making pizza and bread in the wood fired oven has been a highlight of Sarah’s time working at the farm. However, nothing beats welcoming classes of second grade students to come plant lettuce, learn on the farm, and prepare a salad feast during the Seed to Salad program.

Getting to know the summer crew and experimenting in the kitchen have been two major highlights of the Yale Farm Summer Internship. Sarah’s volunteer work at Massaro farm, with the Semilla collective, and learning from YFSI seminars has provided great context for them when creating food and community. Taking home pints of strawberries from Massaro each week has been an added bonus!

Cooking is one of Sarah’s favorite ways of connecting with food, which has lately involved sourdough, sauerkraut, capers, cauliflower gnocchi and elaborate breakfasts. Outside of the kitchen and away from farms, Sarah enjoys knitting and biking.