Yale Sustainable Food Program


Lucie Warga, B.A.


Major and Concentration:
Environmental Science, Food and Agriculture

Current Position:
Farm Manager


A little bit more about Lucie:
Lucie has been going to the Yale Farm ever since her first year at Yale. In fact, as part of Harvest, the Farm was the first place she set foot on campus when she arrived from her home in Washington, DC, and she has been drawn back to it ever since. Beyond Harvest, she’s grown to know the YSFP through its farm workdays, knead 2 knows, and even her classes. Lucie has learned about more than just the Farm from all of these enriching experiences, and thanks to the YSFP, has even found a major she loves. Though she has yet to work as a farm manager (her next position), Lucie is excited to understand the Old Acre even better once she returns to campus, and hopes to eat many more sweet, crunchy carrots right out of the ground!