Yale Sustainable Food Program


Jes Springer


Major and Concentration:

Past Position:
Summer Intern, 2020


Meet Jes Springer ’23

While Jes is still exploring their future, they are sure it will involve food. Jes says “Food is such a key part of being a person, but it is also so much more. I love how it carries stories and can be a force of community building.” Jes’s desire to know  much more about agriculture and the intricacies of our food systems—especially food apartheid, labor rights, and land access—brought them to the Yale Farm Summer Internship.⠀

In addition to the weekly seminars and roundtable discussions, Jes has been volunteering at Massaro Community Farm. During their time at the farm, Jes has enjoyed the beautiful company of the goats and caterpillars. A recent mortar and pestle gift has been a fruitful addition to Jes’s kitchen. It has inspired making spice mixes and lots of chili ginger and nut pastes.⠀

In their free time, Jes has been reading, rooftop dancing, playing old Nintendo game boy games and Pokémon, oh, and making sure to call their mom everyday.