Yale Sustainable Food Program


Addee Kim, B.A.


American Studies

Current position(s):
Farm Manager

Past position(s):
Global Food Fellow (2019)
Lazarus Summer Intern (2018)


More about Addee’s global food fellowship:
Location: Connecticut

Research question: What does an anti-racist and truly just/de-colonial approach to farmland preservation look like?

Project description: I interned for the Working Lands Alliance making two short documentaries, one that focused on the issue of farmland access in Connecticut for new and beginning farmers and historically disadvantaged farmers and one that focused on dairy farmers in Connecticut and their role in farmland preservation.

Notable fellowship moment: I loved being able to go around Connecticut and meeting different farmers. My favorite moments were when I felt like I had the most agency in my work, choosing the subjects of the videos and the topics that were necessary to a video that would end up feeling authentic and meaningful to me.

Favorite fellowship meal: On one of the days that I accompanied the executive director to the legislative building in Hartford I was asked to bring strawberries around to the different representatives and governor's staff. I got to eat a lot of those strawberries and some fresh milk brought by a farmer friend of mine, Jim Smith, and it was delicious!

New questions arising from Addee’s project: Can food justice be advanced through the work of a primarily white institution?

Addee’s other interests: I got into fermenting, wrote a lot of personal essays, and made some art videos on the side of my documentary shorts.
