Yale Sustainable Food Program

Chewing the Fat  


Chewing the Fat speaker Leah Penniman in 2019.

The Lazarus Events Series for Sustainable Food & Agriculture at Yale, also known as “Chewing the Fat,” is funded through a generous gift from Dr. George and Shelly Lazarus and offers Yale students a chance to learn more about food and farming through guest speakers, culinary workshops, and film screenings. 

People invited to speak as a part of Chewing the Fat represent a range of perspectives on and theories of food systems change, and stretch the bounds of conversations, debates, preconceptions and tropes that have animated the mainstream “food movement” of years past. Chewing the Fat has been home to practitioners, academics, policymakers, advocates, and activists who generate critical thinking and discussion about food and agriculture, and their relationships to human values, science, and society. Some semesters, the series might be propelled thematically; previous semesters have seen themes such as food law and policy, food and gender, racial justice and food, corporate power and food systems change, and queer food politics. 

Fall 2024 Events

November 18, 2024 | Transforming School Food Politics Around the World with Jen Gaddis and Sarah Robert, Trumbull College Tea

Spring 2025 Events

February 18, 2025 | Pathways in Food and Hospitality with Annie Faye Cheng ’20

March 27, 2025 | Memories of Taste with Tu David Phu

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