Yale Sustainable Food Program


Raina Sparks, B.A.


Major and Concentration: 
Global Affairs

Former Position:
2022 Yale Farm Summer Intern


Meet Raina Sparks ’25!
Growing up in a town on the Maine coast in which much of the town was historically (and is) farming land, farm vegetables are very close to Raina’s heart. She found her love of food cooking in restaurants in the Portland area over her gap year, and was introduced to farming through WWOOF. Raina has cherished her time as a YSFI intern, and looks forward to returning to the farm throughout her Yale career. Her independent project centers fungi and how they represent community, for which she used pastel art as a medium and also began growing Blue Oyster Mushrooms herself. Raina’s favorite crops on the Yale Farm are lavender and Sungold tomatoes!