Yale Sustainable Food Program


Marisa Vargas-Morawetz, B.A.


Major and Concentration:
Ethnicity, Race, & Migration

Current Position(s):
Culinary Events Manager, Senior Adviser

Past Position(s):
Farm Manager


A little bit more about Marisa:
Marisa is in her fourth year working for the YSFP, having started as a farm manager, and going on to be a culinary events manager, Harvest pre-orientation trip leader, and senior adviser. Since her first year, the YSFP has been a huge part of Marisa’s time at Yale, both in and out of the classroom. She attended probably every single Chewing the Fat speaker series event her first year, took YSFP director Mark Bomford’s class that spring, and has continued to incorporate food systems studies into the rest of her academic work at Yale as an Ethnicity, Race, & Migration major. On the farm, she loves the quiet Wednesday and Sunday workdays when farm managers tackle major non-harvest tasks, and she can happily spend hours trellising and pruning tomatoes. Her favorite crop on the Yale Farm is the carrots, especially when harvested late into the fall season.