Yale Sustainable Food Program

2019-06-27 Liz Leonard .jpg

Liz Leonard, B.A.


Major and Concentration:
Political Science

Current position:
Farm Manager

Past position:
Lazarus Summer Intern (2019)


A little more about Liz:
Liz is a farm manager for the YSFP and spent last summer working as a Lazarus summer intern. She is especially interested in urban agriculture as it relates to community development. She loves the farm because it is a great opportunity to get outside during the week, and it is filled with the most warm, friendly, and kind people. One of her favorite things to do on the farm is to blast music on the farm’s speaker during harvest or lettuce washing. She also loves the farm’s chickens.

More about Liz’s summer internship:

Favorite Yale Farm crop:
Strawberries (in the beginning of the summer) and tomatoes, but I also love the three sisters!

What were some of important insights you were able to take away from academic discussions?
I loved the power and justice readings a lot. The animal readings and the trouble with wilderness also were standouts to me. I feel like the biggest takeaway is to just always second guess my own knowledge and really do my digging on issues. Issues are always more systemic and nuanced than you think, and there is never just one solution.

What was most personally valuable to you about the internship?
I loved getting to know the people I work with; all of the interns and staff were amazing people. Jeremy, Jacquie and Erwin were so kind and helped make this experience so great.