Yale Sustainable Food Program


Charlotte Emerson, B.A.


Major and Concentration: 

Current Position:

Senior Summer Intern, 2021

Farm Manager

Past Position:
Summer Intern, 2020


Meet Charlotte Emerson ’22!
After WWOOFing the summer before coming to Yale, Charlotte started attending open workdays at the Yale Farm and fell in love with its thoughtful, welcoming, and joyful community. She started working as a farm manager in the fall of last year and has enjoyed getting to engage with the earth on both a tangible and intellectual level as well as befriend the lovely visitors and employees of the YSFP. All of Charlotte's favorite people and favorite memories can be traced back to the farm; it is a space that she cannot imagine Yale without. She is interested in fermentation, agriculture and climate solutions, and the impact of geography on food culture. Her favorite thing that grows on the farm are purple carrots, for they make everything more fun!

Summer of 2020, Charlotte was our O’Donohue Fellow. With her remote internship, she became part of the Yale Farm Summer Intern crew, which was an absolute delight for her. 

As featured on our Voices blog, her summer project explored pickling and preserving as legacy. The set of beautifully illustrated recipe cards she created stand as their own form of preservation: of knowledge, of memory, and of community. Amidst the physical distancing of our present world, she was focused on cultivating connection and community with her recipes.

Outside of the internship, Charlotte was growing basil, foraging figs from her backyard, and baking focaccia with family. This fall, she’s working @massaro_farmers, where she continues to be closely connected to food.